Special Offers

August 2024 - September 2024

Leaf the Mess: Fall Cleaning Savings!

Use code:

to snag $20 off a Signature or Premium Clean*

*Offer expires 9/30/24

Below you'll find links to download HTML and PDF files. These files are your ready-made emails that you can use to send emails to your residents. Please see the PDF for reference and a preview.

INSTRUCTIONS for RENTCafe, ResMan, Entrata or any HTML email program (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, etc.)

  1. Click the HTML code button that appears below.
  2. If it opens directly in your browser, skip to #5. If not, go on to step #3.
  3. Find the file in downloads and right-click to open it in your browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc...)
  4. Right-click the "preview in browser" and select 'view page source'
  5. Once you see the code, select all text, and copy
  6. Paste into your email software source code.

This PNG can be used as the entire email. PLEASE ENSURE TO LINK IMAGE TO:


Single Image For Drag and Drop Builders

Drag and drop this image into your email campaigns!

Single email for drag-and-drop email builders, just drop it in and link to:


This image is meant to be full-width and is responsive on all devices.

Social Media - 2

Download the Facebook or Instagram image linked below and copy/paste the corresponding text into a new post on your property’s Facebook page or Instagram account.

Social Media - 2
Social Media - 1


Leaf the mess and schedule a @SpruceCrew clean!

Get your home fresh and sparkling for fall, and enjoy $20 OFF with coupon code FALLSAVING20. Don’t wait, this offer ends 9/30!


Promotional Page (8.5"x11")

Print and hand out this card to your residents. It's also perfect for posting on bulletin boards or in elevators. Don't forget to replace it with regular signage at the end of September.