Let's Celebrate your Spruceiversary!
Scroll below to see how you can share your exclusive Spruceiversary offer with residents.
Below you'll find links to download HTML and PDF files. These files are your ready-made emails that you can use to send emails to your residents. If you can’t use HTML code, use the PDF file instead.
- Click the HTML code button that appears below.
- From there, highlight all of the code in the code viewer. You can do this by clicking the first character then holding and dragging all the way to the end.
- Once it's highlighted, copy the section.
- Open a new email template in email program
- Click the source button at the top right corner and paste the code into the body of the email
- Click preview and the email should populate!
Simply download and share this post on your account to let residents know that they can also drop by your leasing office to receive their Spruceiversary discount code.
Promotional Flyer (8.5x11)
Print and hand out this card to your residents. It's also perfect for posting on bulletin boards or in elevators. Don't forget to replace it with regular signage at the end of July.